Tunnel monitoring system in Rio de Janeiro
The Transolímpica highway is part of a major public transport development project implemented in the run-up to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Over a total length of 23 kilometers, including a tunnel, the Transolímpica connects the city with several competition venues and the Olympic Park.
At a glance
Customer: The city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Safe traffic flow on a new express route
In 2020, the DURAG GROUP was commissioned to supply a complete, one-stop tunnel monitoring system to ensure road safety using the latest technology. This was our first tunnel project in Brazil. In close cooperation with our DURAG location in Brazil and with DURAG GmbH, a D‑R 220T visibility monitoring system, a D‑FL 220T ultrasonic air flow measuring system and twelve D‑G 102 gas sensors were installed and put into operation with the help of our experts.
As part of this project, the DURAG location in Brazil also took care of the training of local tunnel maintenance personnel.
For unexpected problems involving third parties, the customer could also rely on us: a fire in a switchgear station where our equipment was stored prior to installation destroyed a number of units. We supported the customer with the evaluation of the damage and arranged for the delivery of new devices at very short notice.