Pulp and Beyond 2024
Pulp & Beyond is the leading forum that brings together the latest innovations, products, services and technologies in the forest-based bioeconomy with key players from across the ecosystem.
Pulp & Beyond offers new encounters, inspiration, networking and business opportunities for the commercialization of global and sustainable solutions, products and services within the forest-based bioeconomy. The event provides the most comprehensive showcase platform for the latest trends and innovative products within the forest-based bioeconomy and supports learning, employer branding and skills development.
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre
Routenplaner"; var $infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: $contentString }); $infowindow.open($map_default,$marker); google.maps.event.addListener($marker, 'click', function() { $infowindow.open($map_default,$marker); }); } else { console.error("Geocode was not successful for the following reason: " + status); } }); } } initializeContent(); }, 750); }