Measuring greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture
To learn more about greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture, the measurement of N2O and CH4 is essential for agricultural research. One challenge: Often, concentrations and variations of nitrous oxide and methane in the ambient air are very limited (from parts per billion to parts per million), which is why only very precise measurement techniques come into consideration.
At a glance
Customer: National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France Industry: Research, agriculture Application: Measurement of greenhouse gas emissions (methane, nitrous oxide) Products: Muli-component gas analyzer ProCeas® |
Detection of extremely low levels of trace gases
Due to the high technical requirements, the INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment) in the French region of Grand-Est chose the ProCeas® gas analyzer from AP2E, a member of the DURAG GROUP. The technology is used there both as part of a research platform and on a specially established agroforestry plantation.
The ProCeas® relies on a special laser measurement that uses a scanning spectroscopy technique to detect extremely low levels of trace gases in a very short time. INRAE was also convinced by the unique repeatability of the measurements in the parts-per-billion range as well as the problem-free outdoor use. Last but not least a local service team from DURAG FRANCE takes care of maintenance directly on site.